Our mission is to assist people who have been displaced from long-term housing due to natural disaster or loss of income and empower homeless men, women and children by providing the necessary skills to become self-sufficient.



HDHS is dedicated to providing programs to our homeless clients that will stabilize their lives and help them to become or get back to being productive citizens in our local communities. We offer Employment Training, Job Search, Single and Family Temporary Housing & Transportation Services.



HDHS consistently has a need for stable funding partners. With an economy that is less than sound, we rely on our partners in the public and private sector for funding assistance. Without this vital funding we would not be able to provide these necessary humanitarian community programs.


In making sure that as many funds as possible are directed to our clients we are always in need of volunteer workers. We work with organizations such as government entities, schools and other organizations to orchestrate the necessary logistics for obtaining qualified volunteers. 


We are always looking for volunteers to help us in accomplishing our mission to successfully help the homeless. We are looking for the following:

  • Volunteers that can help with our rummage sales
  • Volunteers that can assist with daily tasks.
  • Volunteers that could help us in our fundraising/fundraisers
  • Volunteers with unique technical or professional skills
  • Volunteers to help with painting, automobile repairs, etc.

What you can Do to Help The Homeless

Organize a donation drive, like a:

  • Toilet paper and 33 gallon trash bag drive

  • Can food drive

  • Coat drive

  • Clothing drive

  • Blanket drive

Donate unwanted clothing and shoes that still have some good use to them.  Put together hygiene kits. These kits are given to anyone who is in need. HDHS has 'Open Shower Nights" on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday evenings for individuals who don't reside at the homeless shelter but would like a  hot shower.

Hygiene kits include:

  • Shampoo/Conditioner

  • Soap/Body Wash

  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste

  • Dental Floss

  • Razor/Shaving Cream

  • Brush/Comb

  • Wash Rag

Volunteer with your family on the weekends and help with our rummage sale and car wash (if your under 18 years of age, you must be accompanied by an adult 18 yr or older)

Bring in your recyclables.(Cans, Plastic, and Glass)

Give a monetary donation to High Desert Homeless Services, Inc.

What you can do during the holiday season

Stuff a stocking

Bring a gift for any child, woman or man, like a gift set or unused toy

Donate a turkey, ham or roast or ingredients for any holiday food dish that is able to feed about 60 people

Donate a Christmas Tree. These can be used here at the shelter or given to families who have recently left the shelter and are unable to purchase a Christmas Tree.

Volunteer with your family to help set up, prepare food, serve, or to help clean up.